BOOKPASSION.NET - Improving Quality of Life, One Book at a Time

“The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.” -Les Brown

Your life is priceless, you are priceless. You represent a galaxy of experiences, ideas, and talents just to name a few. There is so much for you to share and for others to learn from your life’s triumphs and tribulations.

Never undervalue your life or sell yourself short for any reason whatsoever.

No two individuals experience life the same way. Rather, life is a continuous stream of experiences that is unique to everyone.

Life is a journey in more ways than one. All travel has a destination. Similarly, all our life’s journeys have a goal. Even not having a goal or searching for one to set is a journey. The challenges, obstacles, and experiences we meet while heading to our destinations our goals shape us. The relationships we build, the knowledge we gain and the decisions we make while travelling, the journey of life make us unique.

Life is the best teacher. She teaches us lessons, she builds our confidence, she shapes our personality, and she teaches us resilience. Life strengthens us through failure and humbles us through success. But life is not always fair, she at times blind sides you when least expected and has been notoriously labelled as at times being a bitch.

Let’s not take our experiences and talents to the grave. There is so much each one of us must share with the world. There is so much you have to offer.

Take some time to reflect.

What talents do you have? How can you use your talents to have a positive impact on someone, on society? How can you make this world a better place?

Please share in the comments or send your feedback to, thank you!


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