BOOKPASSION.NET - Improving Quality of Life, One Book at a Time


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Two of the most prevalent mental health conditions that people face worldwide are anxiety and depression. These can have a substantial negative impact on one’s quality of life, making it challenging to carry out regular activities and to enjoy life.

Anxiety and depression, because they are mental health illnesses, affect our ability to think clearly. When the symptoms worsen, the first thing we want to do is to relieve them but how? How can we think of a solution when we’re already in a severe state of depression with anxiety added to the mix?

Wouldn’t it help if you had a list of solutions handy instead of having to think of them? This is one of the reasons I wrote this article, so that you have a list of at least 7 ways to cope with anxiety and depression – if not for yourself, at least you can have it handy for someone else! (Click here for 50 ways to cope with anxiety and depression).



Neurotransmitters: Exercise boosts the release of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters that regulate mood and lessen anxiety and depressive symptoms.

Stress Reduction: Exercise helps your body to release tension and to lower stress levels which can help prevent and manage symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Enhances Sleep: Exercise helps you to sleep better as sleep is crucial for mental well-being.

Confidence: Regular exercise can make you feel better about yourself, have more confidence, and have a better self-image.

Gives you a Sense of Direction: Including exercise in your daily routine can give you a sense of structure and direction.

Benefits of Walking: Walking is an easy way to enhance mental health as it can be done anywhere, is low impact, gives you a sense of achievement, reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol and causes our bodies to release endorphins which are organic substances that help to lessen pain and improve happiness.

Benefits of Strength Training: Regular strength training has all the benefits of walking along with increased self-confidence, increased self-control and increased cognitive performance.



The simple yet powerful remedy for anxiety and depression is to spend time outside. A tranquil and serene setting like that found in nature can help to lower stress levels, elevate mood, and promote mental health.



Mindfulness, which is the discipline of being completely present and involved in the present moment without passing judgement, is an effective strategy for reducing anxiety and depression. People can free themselves from unhelpful thought patterns that fuel anxiety and depression by concentrating on the here and now and monitoring thoughts and feelings without getting sucked into them.



Journaling is a crucial therapeutic practice which may help people manage their anxiety and depression. People can better understand their emotions, manage stress, and enhance their general mental health by putting their ideas, feelings, and experiences in writing.



Music has a profound emotional regulatory effect and may help those with anxiety and depression. Research has shown that music therapy can be useful in easing symptoms and elevating mood and is frequently used as an adjunctive treatment for anxiety and depression. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to pleasure and reward, is released when we listen to music we appreciate. Music not only alters brain chemistry but also acts as a deterrent from unfavorable feelings and thoughts. As we listen to music, our attention is diverted from our anxieties and concerns and instead is drawn to the sounds and rhythms.



Art has long been known to have positive therapeutic effects that include easing the symptoms of and preventing anxiety and depression. Art activities like painting, drawing, and coloring can all provide people a way to express themselves, unwind, and feel in control. In addition to this, art has the following benefits:

    • Promotes relaxation
    • Decreases stress
    • Elevates happiness by releasing endorphins
    • Decreases and prevents symptoms of depression such as lack of drive, decreased enjoyment, and decreased energy levels
    • Increases confidence and self-esteem
    • Increases self-awareness of thoughts and emotions by concentrating on the here and now and the task at hand which can help to lessen feelings of being overwhelmed and encourages a sense of calmness



Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that has been proven to be successful in treating a variety of mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression. The foundation of CBT is the idea that our thoughts, feelings and behaviors are interconnected and that altering our beliefs and behaviors can help lessen emotional suffering.

CBT focuses on how we interpret and react to anxiety and depression triggers. The goal is to condition our mind to respond in an optimistic and productive (as opposed to destructive) manner to such triggers.

Therapists also assist their patients with CBT for depression by helping them recognize and challenge negative and self-defeating ideas that contribute to feelings of hopelessness and despair. The therapist aids the patient in learning strategies for enhancing good experiences, such as planning fun activities, and recognizing and altering negative thought patterns that lead to depressive symptoms, such as self-blame and critical self-talk.

Medical treatment may be a necessity for severe cases of anxiety and depression. Your doctor may prescribe anti-anxiety medication and/or antidepressants which may be needed along with counselling and lifestyle modifications (e.g. following the exercises outlined in this book such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). Some people may be reluctant to start any type of medication. However, getting symptoms under control should be top priority so that time may be invested productively in other areas of our lives rather than spending that same time suffering from anxiety and depression symptoms or even trying to figure out how to resolve them. When the tools are right in front of you, why spend time trying to reinvent the wheel? (Click here for 50 ways to cope with anxiety and depression).

I hope you found this list of seven ways to cope with anxiety and depression. Keep this article handy as a reference if not for yourself then at least for someone else who may need help. (Click here for 50 ways to cope with anxiety and depression!)

Thank you for reading this article, please feel free to share and comment 🙂


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